Continence management products can provide assistance for an individual who has difficulty with continence, management of their bladder/bowel, or accessing the toilet/bathroom environment.

Management of continence is crucial to a person’s independence, confidence, and well-being, therefore our range of products are suitable for different needs and environments, including use on the individual (continence briefs and pants) and on furniture (chair pads and mattress protectors). Continence products are also designed to keep the user dry, reducing the risk of skin damage and pressure injury due to incontinence.

Our range of continence management products are available in a range of types, sizes, and materials (e.g. re-useable vs disposable) to suit individual needs.

These products are suitable for those who:

  • Have difficulty controlling their bowel and bladder e.g. weak bladder control, medical condition impacting bladder/bowel, incontinence etc.
  • Experience reduced awareness of their bowel/bladder
  • Reduced mobility impacting on their ability to access the toilet safely and in a timely manner for toileting.
  • Have frequent continence/ toileting accidents.
  • May want to prevent soiling and damage to furniture such as chairs and beds etc due to spillage and liquids (e.g. foods, drinks, bodily fluids).

Consideration for Selecting Continence Management Products & Accessories

There are a number of considerations that apply:

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Consider the size of the individual or furniture to ensure the product is suitable e.g. our range of continence pants are available in different sizes, as are the chair pads and mattress protectors.
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Intended Use & Type of Product

Will the product be for use on the individual or on furniture? What level of support does the individual require e.g. minor bladder leakage/accidents (prevention), or full support for bladder/bowel (incontinent). This will help decide what product is suitable as continence products are designed in different shapes and offer different levels of protection (e.g. the amount of liquid they can hold). Consider the individual’s gender and body and how the pad/pant/brief may fit and feel with clothing.
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Some continence products are available in different materials (e.g. for sensitive skin) and colours (e.g. to suit personal preference/furniture).

Other considerations relate to your specific needs and the environment in which the product will be used:

  • Environment- where will the product be used? Will it be for the wheelchair, recliner chair, or bed?
  • Cleaning/Maintenance- Does the individual require disposable continence products or washable/reusable options?

View Our Continence Management Range Online

Bed Pads
Bed Pads
Chair Pad
Chair Pad
Bed Pad Smart Barrier
Clothing Protectors
Clothing Protectors

Continence Management Brands We Sell

Aspire logo


Conni Logo


Icare Logo


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Your needs are important to us. Please visit our 4 showrooms or contact us via phone or email as individual products are not listed here.