Patient handling products are manual or powered aids and devices which are designed to assist with safe and efficient patient transfers and patient handling e.g. moving a user from their bed to a chair etc.
These aids and devices are ideal for individuals who require assistance with their transfers and mobility and can make a significant difference in reducing the risk of injury, strain, and pain for the individual and their carer. These products can be used on a short-term basis (e.g. following surgery) or for long-term use (e.g. permanent condition).
Our range of patient handling aids and devices range from smaller manual and portable aids (e.g. swivel cushion, slide boards, walk/lift belts), medium support aids (e.g. manual or powered standing hoists and supports), to high support larger aids (e.g. powered hoists and slings).
Manual patient handling aids and manual hoists are suitable for individuals who have mild to moderate difficulty with their mobility and require some assistance and support to complete tasks such as standing and transferring. Manual aids and devices are ideal for users who do have some mobility, strength, and control to be able to assist with transfers e.g. able to weight bear on legs, able to swing their legs over objects, or able to use their upper body to assist/pull themselves up.
Powered hoist products are ideal for an individual who has moderate to significant difficulty independently standing, moving, or transferring due to reduced mobility and requires assistance (e.g. from carers) with these tasks.
We highly recommend trailing these aids and devices to ensure the correct option is selected to meet the user’s needs and be suitable for carers to operate safely. Below you will find some considerations to assist with making a decision on selecting the most appropriate product for the individual’s needs.
These products are suitable for those who:
There are a number of considerations that apply:
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Your needs are important to us. Please visit our 4 showrooms or contact us via phone or email as individual products are not listed here.
9am to 4pm Mon to Fri • 9am to 12 noon Sat
We recommend that people see their medical professional(s) if they have any concerns. We know our products and have an in-house Occupational Therapy team to help you, but we can not provide medical advice.
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